Is Your Heater About to Fail? Signs to Look Out For

Although Thailand experiences almost perfect weather throughout the year, it tends to get cold from November to February. Sometimes, temperatures can drop as low as 26 degrees Celcius.

Whether planning to explore this beautiful country or reside there, you will need a reliable heating system to keep yourself warm when temperatures plummet. If you have a heater, now is the perfect time to ensure it’s in excellent condition before the cold season starts. 

Here are common signs of heater failure, according to The Thai News.

Strange Noises

Generally, modern heaters are designed to produce as less noise as possible. So, your heater might be trying to get your attention when it makes loud and strange noises. Typically, whistling sounds signify a broken component needs to be replaced.

It might also indicate that dust and debris are stuck on the vents. The bearing belt or motor could be the problem if you hear squealing sounds. Rattling sounds are a sign of loose ducts. 

Unfamiliar Smells

Your heater works hard to keep your loved ones warm throughout the year. Due to their massive job, they are likely to experience some issues at one point or another.

If you notice unfamiliar smells coming from your heater, it is advisable to have it checked sooner rather than later. The smell of dirty socks results from bacteria or mildew. Burning electric smells occur due to frayed wires or a failing motor. 

Keeps Shutting Down

Today’s heaters are more efficient and safer than earlier models. Nowadays, heaters tend to shut down whenever they are a gas leak to prevent fires. If your heater has been shutting down randomly, you might be dealing with a broken control board, frayed wires, dirty pipes, dirty air filters, or clogged coils. 

Lack of Enough Warm Air

If your heater can’t warm your home, you might need to have it replaced as quickly as possible. Often, heaters struggle to produce enough warm air due to broken circuit breakers or incorrect thermostat settings. 

The Bottom Line

Thailand does experience cool temperatures, and you might need a reliable heater to keep yourself warm. If you notice something is a miss with your heater, it’s best to have it checked by a trained technician. 

For more information about industry heaters and in-house heaters, please visit: